Wings of Fire: Fan tribes Wiki

Welcome to the FanTribes Wiki!!

This wiki is where you can create your own dragon tribes, join existing ones, and roleplay! Be creative!

New Members: Things To Do:

-Make a tribe(or oc for existing one)

-Draw them or make a base(its recommended that every tribe owner/creator provides a base for their tribe, if you can't draw Shard can help, just message her)

-Make a bio page for them: link

-Create stories for your characters!(Don't have to be long!!)

-ROLEPLAY(In Progress)

-Say hi to people in the chat


  1. Keep it clean
  2. No copying someone else's tribe/ideas/etc
  3. No begging for admin if we aren't accepting any, it will not make us want to promote you
  4. Be kind, no bullying
  5. Make Sure You Credit Your Work, Or Others Might Claim It
  6. You get three warnings before you are banned/kicked
  7. No spamming!!



3, etc..

Is spam!! If you type: 1, 2, 3, etc. It's not spam.

Note: Admins, you can edit your pages if you'd like(the ones with your link)

Admin Application(OPEN): link

Warriors Wiki Link: link

Created By: Carolinecat1